thermal cutout - definição. O que é thermal cutout. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é thermal cutout - definição

Cutout (electric power distribution)
  • Fuse cutouts with V-shaped bodies.
  • Linemen from Huntsville Utilities replace a blown cutout fuse with a non-conductive extending pole tool on July 10th, 2022 in Huntsville, Alabama.
  • Cutout (left) attached to a feeder line (connection at the right not shown).  The lower wire goes to the transformer

Thermal mass         
  • A modern school classroom with natural ventilation by opening windows and exposed thermal mass from a solid concrete floor soffit to help control summertime temperatures
  • An adobe walled building in [[Santa Fe, New Mexico]]
Thermal flywheel effect; Thermal capacitance; High thermal mass; Thermal mass (Building)
In building design, thermal mass is a property of the mass of a building which enables it to store heat, providing "inertia" against temperature fluctuations. It is sometimes known as the thermal flywheel effect.
Thermal cutoff         
  •  A thermal fuse protecting the windings of a small motor
  • Two thermal switches (Thermal Cut)
  • Schematic symbol for a thermal overload switch
Thermal reset; Thermal switch; Thermal fuse; Thermal protection; Heat fuse; Superheat switch; Guardette; Thermal Limit Cutoff; Klixon
A thermal cutoff is an electrical safety device (either a thermal fuse or thermal switch) that interrupts electric current when heated to a specific temperature. These devices may be for one-time use (a thermal fuse), or may be reset manually or automatically (a thermal switch).
Thermal oxidizer         
  • url-status=dead}}</ref>
  • Control center with a [[programmable logic controller]] for a RTO.
  • Regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) sized for 17,000 standard cubic feet per minute (SCFM).]]
  • Schematic of Recuperative Catalytic Oxidizer
  • Schematic of a basic thermal oxidizer
  • Preassembled process unit for [[air pollution]] control, i.e., a thermal oxidizer, being installed at a work site.
A thermal oxidizer (also known as thermal oxidiser, or thermal incinerator) is a process unit for air pollution control in many chemical plants that decomposes hazardous gases at a high temperature and releases them into the atmosphere.


Fuse cutout

In electrical distribution, a fuse cutout or cut-out fuse (often referred to as a cutout) is a combination of a fuse and a switch, used in primary overhead feeder lines and taps to protect distribution transformers from current surges and overloads. An overcurrent caused by a fault in the transformer or customer circuit will cause the fuse to melt and the switch mechanism to visibly open, disconnecting the transformer from the line. The device can also be opened manually by utility linemen standing on the ground and using a long insulating stick called a "hot stick".